Welcome to the Gamma Foundation Virtual Summit


We would like to invite you to “Managing geopolitical risk: from International relations to asset management”, the first Gamma Foundation Virtual Summit of 2022 on Friday, 18 March 2022 at 16:00 CET.

In this Virtual Summit we will explore Geopolitical risks considerations that have an increasingly crucial role in managing business and assets, and threaten coexistence between people. We invite Paolo Magri, Executive Vice President of the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) and Professor of International Relations at Bocconi University, to give an overview of the current situation across the world and Moz Afzal, Global CIO at EFG, to discuss how companies and asset managers can manage geopolitical risks, and their impacts on markets.

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Leadership Team

GAMMA Foundation (Global Asset Management Methods and Applications) is a private foundation established in 1998 in Lugano, Switzerland. Its mission is to promote the development of research and knowledge in asset management and capital markets, the role and form of public regulation in fund management, and governance. Gamma Foundation has organised more than thirty conferences with academics like Steve Ross, Michael Spence, Robert Shiller, Jeremy Rifkin, Carlo Rubbia and many others in Switzerland and across Europe. It has also supported more than fifty research projects. The chairman of the foundation board is Andrea Beltratti, Full Professor at the Bocconi University of Milan.